I've been quiet for so long!
Since my last post, I have co-hosted my friend's Dragon-themed baby shower and found out that I'm expecting! I'm due on November 7th. :)
I was just finishing up post-processing the shower photos and thought I'd share some of what was done for it!
1. The invitations! I designed these in Illustrator, printed them out on cardstock, attached some ribbons and put them in hand-cut "diapers". The diapers are green paper with "legs" cut out and then glued closed and decorated with buttons. You can't see in the photo, but the second page of the invitation has the registry information as well as a request that children's books be given instead of greeting cards and there is a label to put in your book. Which leads up to...
2. These are some of the labels I made (nearly each one was different) for people to put in the books they wanted to give.
3. These are all one of my co-host's, Kaylene, doing. Gorgeous roses and cute little birdcages with egg candles in them.
4. This was our dessert table (sans strawberry shortcake). Those are mint chip covered oreo truffle pops and various truffles around the cake. The cake itself is a Costco cake with a dragon I sculpted out of Crayola Air-Dry clay and that my husband painted for me.
5. The wonderful mommy-to-be! She's wearing a sash and a crochet flower crown that I made (the crown, not the sash!). I thought it would be fun to make her wear something extra-special, hehe. Inspiration for it was actually the movie "The Switch", since Jennifer Aniston wears a flower crown at her "Insemination Party".
6. Design a baby block activity. I bought a bunch of 2" wooden blocks from Caseyswood.com, several packs of colorful Sharpies from Costco, 1" foam brushes from a variety of places (<5 cents each), printed out hundreds of clip-art images of animals and dragons and letters, and filled empty baby food jars I got off Freecycle with Mod Podge matte. I will be sanding down the corners and sealing them with baby-friendly Shellac.
7. Our book table. I take no credit for the decorations! Those were all Kaylene. :) I was, however, the one who found the great idea to bring books! Both of the parents-to-be LOVED this idea and I intend to suggest it when my own shower comes around. :)
8. Dessert. The oreo pops and truffles were also enjoyed, but the homemade Strawberry Shortcake was the real star. The daddy-to-be makes this for mommy-to-be every year for her birthday and really wanted to make it for her shower. Sweet, right? He even makes the whipped cream from scratch! It was seriously delicious!
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